Wings Unfolded – Release Date December 29, 2015

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For those of you wondering when Wings Unfolded will be released, I’m projecting December 29, 2015. Right now I’m spending each day editing, hoping to be done by the deadline. It was a thrill to write this book for Cece Higgins who had this idea stuck in her head for years. When she shared her idea with me, I knew it was to good to ignore, so I wrote this book for her during NaNoWriMo. I hope you like it Cece. I posted this book as each chapter was written and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Day 31 – Wings Unfolded


I thought this was going to be the last chapter, but apparently it’s not, maybe tomorrow. Remember this has not been edited. I will wait until the story is finally finished. Enjoy:

Chapter 32

“Is this one done?” Torn asked as he approached Moon and Talon cutting through the tension as he spoke.

“Almost,” Moon replied glaring back at Talon. He decided it was time to leave her alone. It was obvious she wasn’t going to listen and now he had another problem. He wished Star hadn’t told Moon about him working at the University. The last thing he needed now was Moon blabbing this to everyone. He knew she was holding this over his head as a type of blackmail to get whatever she wanted and for now what she wanted was to stay with her sister. Even though he didn’t like it, he had no choice but to let her stay. Talon went to check on the progress Torn was making.

Three years ago Chance was working on one of the farms owned by the colony. There were at least twenty people working in the fields that day. When it was time for Chance to take a break, he headed to woods instead. His bladder was full and he needed to let off some pressure. While he was standing there peeing against a tree, he noticed a bag. He had never seen one like this before. It had a strap on it so it could be carried on your shoulder. When he finished his business, Chance reached down and picked it up. He opened the zipper on the top and looked inside. He was surprised to see it was full of money. Mostly tens and twenties but there had to be at least four hundred in total. He knew it was money used by humans because he had seen it before when his father ran one of the farms and used money just like this to pay for supplies. Chance found a hiding place for the bag and decided that after work he would come back for it when no one else was around. Later that day he went back and stuffed his pockets with the money hiding the empty bag once again. That night he told Talon and North about it.

“What do you think I should do with it?” he asked Talon.

“I think we need a boys night out,” Talon said with an enormous smile on his face.

“Where?” Chance asked.

“In Toronto,” Talon said.

“I’m in,” North quickly replied. He had never been to Toronto and this would be fun to experience it with his friends.

“Okay, I guess we’re going to Toronto,” Chance said. “How about Friday night?”

“Sounds good,” Talon said. “Let’s meet at sundown. That way we won’t be seen flying.” The boys went about their business and met up again on Friday night. It was a quick half an hour flight. Talon spotted an area for them to land and motioned for them to follow him. They landed behind Jimmy’s Coffee shop on Portland Street and walked north to Adelaide Street West.

“There,” North said pointing to his right. “Let’s check that out.” They looked in the direction he was pointing and read the sign, The Devil’s Martini.

“Sounds good to me,” Chance said leading the way. His pockets stuffed full of the money he found.

 Little did Talon realize, what happened that night would affect the rest of his life. Their night started out innocently, three friends enjoying each others company telling jokes as they sampled the bar menu starting from the top and working their way to the bottom. Currently, they were testing a Caesar next would be a Cement Mixer made with Vodka, Irish Cream, and lime juice. It didn’t sound very appetizing, but they made a bet and the first person who doesn’t finish their drink had to clean the other guys houses. This was one bet Talon had no intention of losing until he saw a gorgeous brunette smiling across the room at him. It was starting to get crowded and he couldn’t see her anymore.

“I’ll be right back,” Talon said. He picked up his drink and made his way through the crowd to her table.

“Hi,” he said, thinking was that was all you could come up. She’s probably not even going to answer you, he thought. Instead, she grabbed the drink from his hand and set it on the table. With his empty hand in hers, she led him to the crowded dance floor. A fast upbeat song played, but he couldn’t even remember the tune. All he could remember was how she moved. He had never seen anyone dance like that in the colony. Her tight dress showed every curve she had as she moved to the beat of the music sometimes brushing up against him. He put his hands on her hips as she moved even closer to him. He could feel the heat from her body. Her perfume seemed to put a spell on him. The more he breathed it in, the more he was intoxicated by it. She leaned in and gave him a kiss, then another. The third one seemed to last forever. When their lips finally parted, gasping for air, she said, “let’s get out of here.”

He grabbed her hand and led her towards North and Chance. “I’ll see you guys later he said,” as they walked past.

“Aren’t you even going to introduce us,” North called out to him. Talon didn’t acknowledge that he heard him, he kept on walking with her in tow out of the bar.

Once outside he stopped and kissed her again feeling the passion rise within himself he would have taken her right there but a car passed them with the windows down. Someone from inside the car yelled out, “get a room.”

“I live close to here,” she said. They walked the two short blocks to her apartment. It was an older building with several apartments on the second and third floor. The main level housed 3 business, a coffee shop, dry cleaner and a convenience store.

She unlocked the door to her apartment before she could close the door Talon kissed her again. He reached for the zipper on her dress and slid it off her. With his foot outstretched behind him, he closed the door. He spent the next two days with her barely coming up for air. On Sunday afternoon he realized he had better get back to the colony. He dressed for the first time in two days. “I have to go,” he said even though his body was telling him not too.

“Here’s my number,” she said handing him a small piece of paper she had written on. She leaned in and kissed him again. He had to fight the urge to take her back into the bedroom one more time before he left. He pulled away from her and opened the door.

Before he left, he turned and said, “by the way, I don’t even know your name.”

“It’s Carin,” she said wishing he didn’t have to go. “What’s yours?”

“Talon,” he said showing his dimples before he disappeared. He flew back the colony that night but couldn’t forget the girl met. She haunted him day and night. He began leaving the colony every Friday night so he could spend the weekend with her and returned Sunday nights. Most people didn’t realize he was gone except North and Chance. They vowed to keep his secret as long as he shared his wine with them.

The fourth weekend he spent with Carin was a little different. She seemed to be more distant and didn’t want to spend the entire weekend in bed.

“What’s wrong?” Talon asked as he put his arms around her. She pushed away and sat at the table holding her head.

“Let me in,” he pleaded with her, “what’s wrong?” he asked again.

“I’m pregnant,” she said with tears streaming down her cheeks. “I don’t even know you, your just some guy I picked up in a bar and had a few fun times with. And now I’m pregnant. I don’t even know if you work. You could be married for all I know. I only see you on weekends.

Talon had no answers for her. He was in shock too. He couldn’t tell her where he lived or even the fact that he wasn’t really human. She would probably faint if he showed her his wings. He had to make a choice, to leave the colony and live with her and his unborn child and never be allowed to see his parents again, or stay in the colony and lead a double life that no one would know about. He chose the latter so he could have a little of both rather than choosing one or the other. Talon applied for a job at the University of Toronto as a janitor. He would work the night shift which was perfect for him. No one in the colony would even know he was gone. They would assume he was sleeping not working. This way he could support his child and be in their life on a part-time basis and still be able to see his parents and belong to the colony.

Eight months later his son was born. He is now two years old and getting into everything. Since he became a father, Talon stopped migrating with the others. This is the first time he has been away from his son since he was born. It’s too soon to know if he will have wings or not, but when he gets older, if he does Talon’s not sure what he’ll do. He never shared the fact that he could fly with his son’s mother and always warned her if he needed medical attention to let him know first. He didn’t want the world to find out if he did have wings. His fate would be the same that Star suffered and he couldn’t risk them finding out about the colony.

One thing he did do was carry a cell phone with him in case she ever called. He would charge it while he was at work. So far no one has ever seen him with it. He keeps it on vibrate so no one can hear it. It now resides hidden in his dresser in Canada. He thought of bringing it with him but wasn’t sure where he would charge it. He had no idea where they would be living. Once a week he snuck into town and called to make sure everything was okay and talked to River even though he didn’t say much he always recognized his father’s voice.

Talon always felt sorry for not telling his parents that they had a grandson. He knows they would be thrilled. I’m sure they would love him and vice verse. It was a secret he kept from everyone in the colony and one that he would continue to keep as long as possible. If the elders found out, they would ban him from the colony and he couldn’t take that risk of never seeing his parents again.

If he were going to continue this relationship with Star, one day he would have to tell her about River.


Day 30 – Wings Unfolded


Although I have finished my NaNoWriMo journey and my 50,000 words, my book is not complete. I figure this chapter plus one more should do it. Then I can begin the editing process and hopefully have it published soon. Enjoy:

Chapter 31

“What’s the plan for today?” North asked Talon over breakfast. North and Moon have been staying with them ever since the battle with the cougars and Star had no intention of asking them to leave. She thought it was nice having the additional company around, besides the house was plenty big enough for all of them. When she wanted to be alone with Talon, they just retreated to her suite. Her master suite was larger than most homes and provided them many comforts. What she didn’t realize was that Talon disagreed with her and didn’t want Moon staying with them. He knew she was trouble and was always afraid of what would happen next. If he got a chance later today, he would ask her to move out.

“I have to go back to the hospital zone and finish healing the wounded,” Star said buttering a piece of toast.

“I’m going back to the cave-in to make sure it’s stable. Torn will be there to help, anyone else want to come along?” Talon asked.

“Count me in,” North said rinsing off his empty plate and putting it in the dishwasher. He wasn’t used to having modern conveniences and was happy to stay as long as they let him.

“Me too,” Moon said. “Here’s an orange Star. It will help keep up your energy,” Moon said as she handed it to her.

“Thanks, I need all the help I can get right now,” Star said.

Afraid to use the elevator the group headed down the spiral staircase to the main level. “I’m going to the hospital zone with Star, then I’ll meet you guys at the cave-in,” Talon said as they flew off the ledge.

Gener was waiting to greet them at the hospital zone when they landed. “Good morning,” he said as he approached them. “I must say, you look much better after a good night sleep,” he said shaking their hands.

“Thanks, I feel better. How many wounded are still here?” Star asked as she looked around the area.

“The three you had helped yesterday before you left, of course, and about 10 more with various injuries. We sent everyone home that were either healed or had minor injuries. If they don’t, heal by themselves, they will call upon you at your home.”

“Good, where do you want me to start?” Star asked.

“I think with the last three victims. They are the worst,” Gener said.

“I guess you have your work cut out for you here. I’ll see you at home when we are done tonight,” Talon said giving her a kiss. He knew what they had to do to fix the cave-in area and it wasn’t going to be an easy task. They would have to rely heavily on Torn’s super human strength.

He left Star and joined a group of helpers at the cave-in site. They were already discussing how to stabilize the area when he landed beside them. “I think we have to make sure there are no openings at the top. The last thing we need is a flood the next time it rains,” Torn said.

“I agree,” Talon said. “But how do we support this area so it doesn’t completely cave-in?”

“What if we fill it in,” one of the helpers suggested.

“With what?” Torn asked.

“Rocks, I’m sure you can find us some,” the helper replied.

“If we do that, then we would have to make sure it was sealed properly. That could take us weeks,” Talon said.

“Maybe not, I know where there are several elevators we can use. They’ll help cut our time in half,” the helper said.

“Where’s that?” Talon asked.

“In the empty warehouse in town. It used to be a parcel depot. They shut it down in a few years back during the last recession. Everything is still inside. If we put them end to end, we could move a lot of dirt fast. I’m sure there are generators at the ranches we could borrow,” he said scanning the faces in front of him.

“I can drive the transport if about 10 people can help lift them into the trailer,” another helper said.

“I’ll go, I can probably lift them by myself,” Torn said.

“Great idea, why don’t you two head out now. Moon take someone with you and find as many generators as you can,” Talon said. “Make sure when you bring them back you set them on the stable part of the Mesa. Take Crystal with you, she will be able to use her X-ray vision to direct you to a safe area.”

“We are going to need shovels and wheelbarrows,” Talon said. A few people volunteered to retrieve them. “Can anyone think of anything else we need?” he asked.

“Ya, I think we need Red, he can create water. We should also get Soron because he can dry whatever we make with his breath,” Cloud said.

“Okay, can you go get them?” Talon asked.

“Sure,” Cloud replied.

“One last thing I think we’ll need is straw,” Talon surmised.

“We’ll get some straw and met you up top,” a helper suggested looking for approval from his friend. When he nodded in agreement, they left to get straw from the surrounding ranches.

It was difficult trying to figure out what abilities would help them the most. So far Talon was doing an excellent job of organizing the volunteers. The few volunteers that remained made their way to the top of the mesa. Talon helped to direct traffic as items arrived. From on top of the mesa, Talon could see the transport truck quickly approaching. He figured that Torn could lift the elevators to the top without any help from them.

“Where would you like this?” Torn asked holding one of the elevators as if it only weighed a couple of pounds.

Crystal surveyed the ground with her x-ray vision. “Place the first one here.” Torn sat it easily down into position. There were six more still in the trailer. He quickly lifted each one putting them together in a line to form one long elevator.

Torn and Talon went back inside to make sure the entrance to the cave-in was filled in as much as possible. Torn was able to move the boulders into position. He placed the last one then stepped back as a group of builders spread a thick layer of stucco over it to help seal it. “That should do it,” he said.

“I hope so,” Talon said as they lifted off the edge and flew to the top of the mesa.

Volunteers started the generators and plugged in the elevators. Everyone cheered as they began rotating. Shovels were handed to each person. Talon noticed there were ten left over. “Moon, can you duplicate so we can use every shovel we have?”

Moon duplicated herself until there were the same amount of people for every shovel. They worked as fast as they could in the hot sun shovel full after shovel full made its way along the elevator into the opening below.

Crystal noticed a group of children playing with a parachute. They always enjoyed raising it into the air and then climbing under just to raise it again. Crystal flew down to them and asked them to fly with it above the mesa to provide them some shade. She knew they couldn’t do it all day, but if they took turns it will give them a break from the sun for a while.

She returned to her area and began shoveling as the kids maneuvered the parachute into position. She waved at them when it provided enough shade for everyone.

The volunteers noticed the difference right away as soon as they were shaded from the sun. They all took a second to wave to the children.

The children continued to circle holding the parachute in their hands. As one would get tired, another one took their place. They were able to keep the parachute in position for an hour. Slowly they lowered to the ground. “Thanks for your help,” Talon shouted out. “Can you come back after lunch and do it again?” he asked.

“Sure we’ll bring more help,” the tallest child in the group said. They all thought it was fun and were glad that they could build their strength for festival night which was fast approaching in two days.

Talon stopped to check the opening. Torn was there to move the elevator to the areas that needed to be filled in the most. “How are we doing?” Talon asked.

“I think that’s just about it,” Torn said changing the position of the elevator.

Once Talon saw the red dirt overflow the opening he raised this hand to his mouth, inserted two fingers and let out a loud whistle. Everyone turned to see what he wanted. They both waved their hands and yelled out, “no more.”

“Crystal I need you to check and make sure there aren’t any large openings,” Talon said as he approached her.

They both walked to the area at the end of the elevator. Carefully she scanned the ground and surrounding area. “Looks good to me,” she said wiping the sweat from her forehead.

“I think it would be a good idea for us to take a break inside out of the sun. We can have something to eat and drink and met back here in a half an hour,” Talon said. He watched as each person sat down their shovels and flew away. He was the last person back inside the cave. The cave always maintained a constant temperature sheltered from the hot sun and all types of weather.

The first place Talon went was to the hospital zone. He sat down beside Star, who was eating a sandwich. “Hi,” he said watching her carefully.

“Hi how’s everything going at the cave-in?” she asked him taking another bite.

“Good we have filled it in. A group has sealed in on the inside with the first coat and we are going to start sealing it on top after we take a break,” he said reaching for a sandwich.

Star could see he was covered in sweat. His shirt was soaking wet. “Here drink this,” she said handing him a glass of orange juice.

“How much longer do you think you’ll be here?” Talon asked her.

“I only have a few more people left. Two have broken arms and the third has a concussion. The worst ones have been healed. Then I told them I would help them clean up,” she said looking at the mess in front of her.

“Take your time,” Talon said not wanting her to over do it. “I think we’ll be about another two hours,” Talon said taking another drink of juice.

“I thought it would take you weeks to fix it,” Star said.

“Normally it would, but we used everyone’s abilities to hurry up the process,” Talon said as he stood up.

“Good thinking.”

“I better go, we need to get this done. See you later,” he said.

Talon made his way out of the cave and back to the top of the Mesa. He watched as the volunteers returned, landing near him. “It’s time to make the coating of stucco. Fill your wheelbarrows with a third of the way with dirt. Put your arm up when you’re done and Red will give you the proper amount of water,” Talon said as he walked, weaving his way among the different stations. “There is straw at each station to put into the mix. Mix it all up and when your done Torn will carry it away and dump them. Soron will then use his ability to dry the stucco. I”ll let you know when were done. Any questions?” Talon asked.

The directions were clear. Everyone began making their mixture. Hands were raised when they needed water. Talon made his way to Moon’s station. She had duplicated herself so she wouldn’t have to pair up with another volunteer. Her partner was an exact replica of herself. Talon stood between the two Moon’s not sure which one was the real one. “I think it’s time you decided to move out,” Talon said in a quiet voice so no one else could hear.

“I’m staying with my sister, I think it’s time you move out,” she said glaring at him. “Maybe I should ask Star what she wants.”

“Star’s not capable of making those kinds of decisions right now. Not until she’s stronger,” he said.

“Good then I’m staying until then,” Moon said lifting another shovel full of dirt into the wheelbarrow.

“No your not, you need to pack up your things and move out today,” he said. His face got redder the more they talked.

“By the way, I would like to know how come you were working outside the colony. Star told me you were working as a janitor when you rescued her. You know that’s not allowed.”

“That’s none of your business,” Talon said.

“I should report you to the elders,” Moon said with a smirk on her face. Finally, she had some dirt to hold over his head.

“Keep your voice down,” Talon said looking around to see if anyone heard her.

Day 29 – Wings Unfolded


It has been a long journey but I’m finished. I have written over 50,000 words one day ahead of schedule. The book is not done, I still need to add at least another chapter. It will take me a few days to write it, I think it’s time for a break before I finish it. I need to get another book published before Christmas, Band of Thieves. Thanks for following along and all the support from everyone reading Wings Unfolded as it became a reality. Here’s the next chapter:

Chapter 30

Crystal used her x-ray vision to check on the three people still trapped by the cave-in.

“How are they doing?” Talon asked.

“They’re still breathing, but they’re frail and barely moving,” Crystal replied.

“Then we better move fast,” Talon said as he moved some of the smaller rocks out of the way. Torn with his super human strength was able to pick up large boulders and place them into position. Everyone in the colony helped, in one way or another. Those that can cook, cooked for the helpers and the wounded. Some people helped at the cave-in site helping to uncover anyone trapped in the debris. Most people rotated in and out of these positions. Talon and Moon were the only two that hadn’t. They vowed to stay there and do what they could until everyone had been rescued. Some people helped with the wounded while others were used as runners, continually flying for supplies.

“Take this one next,” Talon said helping to direct Torn. It was like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Each piece had to fit precisely if this was going to work. Talon wasn’t a structural engineer, but he had a lot of experience with puzzles as a child. “No, turn it on his side,” Talon instructed Torn.

Torn rotated the massive boulder as if it was a child’s toy sliding it into position. “Perfect, I think this one will fit on top of it,” Talon said pointing to a smaller boulder. Torn lifted the boulder into the top rock. As he pushed it back, the cave began to crumble.

“Look out!” Talon shouted jumping out of the way as dirt and small rocks fell. He was worried that the entire thing would collapse at any time. “What’s happening in there?” he asked Crystal who has been keeping an eye on them.

“They look like they’re still okay. Some rocks have fallen on them, but they’re still breathing,” Crystal said.

Torn worked quickly assembling the support wall from the other side now. He left the longest boulder for the end. He would use that to connect the two walls allowing them enough room in the middle to work. “It’s not going to work,” Torn said as he began placing one of the top boulders. “I don’t have enough support for the final one.”

They stood back looking at the puzzle. “That one there,” Talon said pointing to a boulder. “If you take that one out and the one under it and put this one in first, I think it will work,” Talon said setting his hand on the one he wanted Torn to use.

“I think that’ll work,” Torn said as he reached up and removed two boulders from the wall. It would take twenty men to do what Torn has accomplished and he did it in a fraction of the time. He carefully placed them in the sequence Talon suggested. “Last one,” he said picking up the long rectangular shaped boulder.

“Easy,” Talon said as he watched him inch the boulder into position. When Torn lowered his arms, the final task began. Now they had to figure out how to make an opening large enough for the trapped people to crawl through without everything collapsing on top of them. They took a few moments to survey the situation.

“What if we start at the top?” Torn asked.

“I don’t think they would have the strength to climb up there,” Crystal replied.

“Let’s try in the middle,” Talons suggested. “Hopefully they can stand up to reach it.”

“I don’t think they can,” Crystal said watching them through the wall.

“Then we are going to have to go inside and help them out. Let’s start here,” Talon said pointing to an area on the wall of debris.

“Okay,” Torn said as he began to dig. They began removing rocks and dirt in an attempt to make a large opening but the more they dug, the more fell and filled it back in again.

“This isn’t working,” Talon said stepping back. “I think you’re right Torn. Our only choice is near the top.”

“They changed their position climbing up the debris to the top area. They used the support wall to brace their bodies as they dug. Working quickly they removed enough of the debris that they could see inside.

“It’s Talon,” he shouted out. “We’ll have you out of here real soon,” he said trying to give them hope. No one replied, they didn’t have enough strength. What he did hear was moaning and coughing. “We need to support the top of this before we dig any further,” Talon said. “We need a 2×8.”

“I’ll check the scrap pile,” Torn said. He left to rummage through the pile and find something suitable. This should work, he thought pulling out a five feet length of wood. It wasn’t exactly a 2×8 but rather a slice of hardwood from an oak tree. He flew back to the cave-in with the board in his hands. “Here,” he said lifting the board up to Talon.

Talon had already made a crevice on both sides to hold the board. He held it up to measure the size. Just a bit more, he thought setting the board down. He dug out a few more inches and slipped the board into position. With renewed hope, they enlarged the hole until it was big enough for them to crawl through.

They entered the area, Torn picked up the first person and lifted him to the opening. “Moon duplicate yourself so you have help pulling them through,” he said. He laid the person on their back so the duplicated Moon’s could grab him and pull him to safety. People were waiting with stretchers to take them away as soon as they were free. Torn removed the rocks from the second person then lifted them with ease into the opening. Several Moon’s were waiting to pull them the rest of the way through to safety.

“One left,” Talon said as he cleaned the debris from their body. Torn lifted the last person placing them in the opening. When the he was finally safe, they gave each other a fist bump and made their way out. The first person to appear was Talon he slowly began to slide down the debris when he heard the noise. He turned around just in time to see the hole fill up with debris. The top of the cave had collapsed on Torn. He climbed back to the top where the opening used to be. “Torn, Torn!” he shouted at the top of his voice. “Torn can you hear me!” he shouted again.

“Ya, what are you yelling for,” Torn said behind him. He turned his head to see his friend standing there with his hands on his hips. “I thought you were trapped.”

“I was for about a second, then I moved the boulders and climbed out of the top. It was a quick flight back here,” he said laughing. “Did you think a few rocks would stop me?”

“I guess not,” Talon said. He watched as the last survivor was flown to the hospital area on a stretcher. The last forty-eight hours had taken a toll on Talon, but he still had a little left. “I’m going to check on Star,” he said before he flew away.

“I’m coming too,” Moon said following him to the hospital zone.

Most of the injured were gone. Only a handful remained including the last three that were rescued. Talon had no trouble this time finding Star. “How are you holding up?” Talon said as he approached her.

Star looked up to see Talon and Moon covered in red dirt. “You two look like you’ve been playing in the mud,” she said laughing at the sight of them.

“I feel like it,” Moon said sitting down in the dirt.

“I’m tired,” Star said sitting beside Moon.

“Exhausted is more like it,” Moon said.

“I have to get back, three people still need my help,” Star said raising to her feet. She stumbled as she walked away. Talon ran to her side to steady her. “Are you sure you’re up for this?” he asked her.

“I have to, they’ll die without my help,” she said.

Gener overheard them talking and walked towards them. “Star I think you’ve done plenty here. Is there something you can do just to make them stable?

“Yes,” she replied.

“Please just do that, then I think you need to go home and rest. You’ll need your strength to completely heal them.”

Star agreed with Gener, she would be happy to have a shower and fall into bed. She spent some time with the last three survivors making sure that their breathing and heartbeats were strong enough to leave them.

“We will contact you if their condition changes. Now go home and get some rest,” Gener demanded.

“I have to get my things from your place,” Moon said as they walked away from the hospital zone.

“Stay with us for a bit longer. Until all this settles down,” Star said. Talon had other thoughts about Moon but for now he was too tired to argue with her. The three of them flew home showered and collapsed in their rooms. They didn’t even have the strength to eat anything.

Talon gave Star a kiss. He put his arm around her waist and laid his head beside hers falling asleep within seconds.

Day 28 – Wings Unfolded


I’m almost done, 1552 words to go to reach my goal of 50,000 words in 30 days. Here you go enjoy:

Chapter 29

“I can’t hold it much longer,” North said. Sweat dripped from his face as he used every ounce of strength he had. He tried to hold on to the boulder before it fell. “It’s slipping!” he yelled out. Talon rushed to his side helping to guide the boulder to safety. The weight became unbearable Talon and North couldn’t hold it any longer. They let go and the boulder crashed to the ground stopping on top of North’s leg.

North yelled out in pain. Talon tried to move the boulder but couldn’t. Moon rushed over to help him, together they tried, but it wouldn’t budge. “Try duplicating,” Talon suggested. Moon duplicated several times. With the help of multiple Moon’s they were able to move the boulder eventually releasing North’s pinned leg.

“Let me look at it,” Talon said lifting up his pant leg. He noticed right away that it was broken by the protruding piece of bone. “It’s broken. We have to get him out of here,” Talon said. “You grab one side and I’ll take the other.” Together Moon and Talon raised North supporting him with their shoulders, they moved him to a safer place along with the other wounded. “Sorry buddy, but I have to leave you here,” Talon said as he helped North down into a sitting position.

Moon and Talon headed back into the cave-in. They were covered in red dirt, thirsty and exhausted, but there were still people buried alive. They weren’t going to stop until each person was rescued. “We need more people,” Talons said as he began digging with his hands.

“I can help with that,” Moon said duplicating herself several times.

Crystal scanned the rubble using her x-ray vision to find the victims. According to her, there were just four more trapped. Talon and North were working on one of them while the group tried to figure out how to get the other three out. They were trapped behind a wall of rubble that cut off their air supply. The oxygen level decreased with each breath of air they took. If they tried to dig them out, the wall would become unstable and more of the cave would collapse. “We can’t just leave them in there. They are going to die if we don’t hurry,” Crystal said in a hysterical voice.

“I got an idea!” Talon shouted out to them as he worked to uncovered one of the victims. “You should be able to get him out now,” Talon said to Moon. Talon quickly stood up and faced the group. “What if Crystal and I go on top and try to find them through the top of the mesa. Once we locate them, I can drill through the surface to give them an air hole,” he said searching their faces for an answer.

“What if it’s unstable and the entire top of the cave collapses?” a helper said.

“It’s a chance we’re going to have to take. Right now they have about twenty minutes left of air. There’s no way we can support the top of the cave in time to be able to make a hole large enough for them to crawl through. They need air before they die and we are wasting time standing here talking about it,” Talon said pleading his case.

“Fine, what supplies do you need?” the helper said.

“A drill with a two foot bit,” Talon said.

“They have one on the ranch, but it would take too long to go there and back,” another helper said.

“It’s at my place,” someone yelled out. “Follow me.” Talon and Crystal followed him to his home. He quickly retrieved the drill for them and they made their way outside to the top of the mesa.

“Okay Crystal do your thing,” Talon called out as they flew close to the surface.

Crystal scanned through the ground recognizing structures below trying to find her sense of direction. “I see them, they’re right below us,” she said circling the area.

“Do you think it’s safe to land?” he asked her.

“No, the surface is only about a foot thick. I don’t think it can hold our weight,” Crystal replied.

“This isn’t going to be easy,” Talon said. He found a spot where he wanted to try first. Holding the drill against the ground, he asked, “how’s this?”

“That should work,” she said continuing to circle above afraid that if she landed the entire cave would collapse.

Talon pulled the trigger on the drill trying to apply only slight pressure. He wasn’t a hummingbird and found it difficult to try to balance himself in the air like one. He flapped his wings just fast enough to keep himself airborne without taking off. Talon could tell the bit was digging into the ground as the excess dirt flowed out of the hole.

“You’re almost there,” Crystal said. She could see the end of the drill bit with her x-ray vision.

“Go real slow now,” she said.

Talon was having trouble hovering above the drill. Each time he flapped his wings his body wanted to propel itself forward. Talon hands shook on the drill as he tried to steady it. He used all his strength to steady his body as the drill bit broke through the surface and dirt fell from the opening. He pulled the drill up and allowed his body to fly forward joining Crystal circling above.

“Are they okay?” Talon asked.

“It looks like it, I can see them moving now.” Talon and Crystal returned to the cave. That was only the first part of saving them, at least for now they could breathe. The second part was going to be much harder.

“Are they still alive?” someone asked Crystal when they returned.

“Yes, they are fine for now. Talon was able to drill an air hole for them,” Crystal said.

“I don’t know where we are going to find the supplies we need to support the top of the cave,” Cloud said. “We don’t have a supply of lumber and I know for a fact there’s nothing extra on any of the ranches. Just like in Ontario with farms surrounding the cave, the cave in New Mexico is surrounded by ranches owned by the colony to help protect them and provide food.

“Were’s Torn?” Talon asked looking around at the crowd of people. Talon figured he could help with his super strength.

“He’s injured, they took him away,” Cloud said.

“We need his super strength. With his help, he can move the boulders into position, building a wall for support. Do you know where they took him?” Talon asked.

“I can show you,” Cloud said. They moved to the edge and flew away with Cloud leading the way. They landed beside an open area currently being used as a hospital zone.

“Torn!” Talon called out.

“Over here,” Torn said waving his good arm in the air.

Talon and Cloud weaved in between the injured until they reached him. “What happened?” Talon asked looking at the large gash on his arm.

“One of the boulders slipped. It was sharp enough to cut me open and severed a tendon,” Torn said.

“Ouch,” Cloud said looking at his injury.

“We need your help. There are three people still trapped and we have to make a support wall before we can dig them out,” Talon said as his eyes surveyed the injured.

“I’m not sure I’m much help in this shape,” Torn said looking at his arm.

“We need Star, have you seen her?” Talon asked.

“I think she’s over there,” Torn said pointing towards a small group of people.

“I’ll be right back, stay here with him,” Talon said as he left to find Star. “Star, Star,” he called out hoping to find her. “Star,” he called out again when he reached the group. They turned to face him, but Star wasn’t there. “Have you seen Star?” he asked them.

“Yes she’s right there,” a young man said pointing at her laying on the ground.

Talon saw Star lying on the ground and rushed to her side, “Star, what’s wrong?” He was afraid she had used her ability to heal more than she should have and she fell unconscious again.

“Nothing, stop worrying,” Star said as she opened her eyes and sat up. “They had me lay down for a bit to build up my strength. What’s wrong?”

“We need your help. There’s still three people trapped, but we can’t get them out without Torn’s help, but he’s injured. Would you be able to heal him?” Talon asked wiping the dirt from his forehead.

“I think so, where is he?” Star replied.

“He’s over here,” Talon said leading the way to Torn.

“Hi,” Star said as she reached his side. “That looks nasty,” she said placing his arm in her hands.

“It sure does,” he said. Torn watched in amazement as the wound began closing. Slowly the opening healed starting at one end moving to the other repairing the torn tendon as it went. When Star was done there wasn’t even a scar.

“That looks like brand new now,” he said waving his arm around trying it out. “Thanks.”

“Thanks, babe,” Talon said giving Star a kiss before they left.

Torn whistled, “will you look at that, Talon has himself a girlfriend.”

“Grow up,” Talon said as his cheeks turned red.

Star wound her way between the people making her way back. It was time for her to continue healing the injured as the three of them made their way back to the cave-in area to rescue the last three people still trapped.

Day 27 – Wings Unfolded


Calm down Mr. T NaNoWriMo is almost over, just three days to go. Today I wrote 1,701 words, I only have 3,163 left to go. Finish line here I come! Thanks for all the kind words I received along the way from everyone reading my story. I better not keep you waiting, here’s the next Chapter:

Chapter 28

Star was enjoying her first meal in the kitchen with Talon when they heard a siren wailing in the distance. “What’s that?” Star asked.

“It means there’s been a cave-in!” Talon said rising from the table. Star quickly rose too. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“They may need my help,” she said following him to the elevator.

“Are you sure you’re strong enough?” he said as the door closed and the elevator descended to the main floor.

“I have to be,” Star said watching the door panel and noticing no change. “Are we moving?” she asked looking towards Talon.

“I don’t think so. It’s stopped,” Talon said frantically pushing buttons on the panel. He stuck his hands between the rubber seal on the doors and tried to separate them. Frantically he tried again able to open them only a fraction of an inch. “Wit looks like we’re stuck between floors,” he said looking at the wall in front of him. He searched for another way out.

“There’s a hatch in the ceiling,” Star said pointing to the ceiling. Talon was tall enough with his long reach to slide the lid to one side. Searching through the opening, neither of them could see anything but darkness.

“Hang on it’s about to get dark in here,” Talon said raising his arms. The elevator shaft filled with light while the elevator itself changed to darkness except for the stream of light from above. “I’m going up there,” Talon said grasping the edges of the opening with his fingers. He struggled to rise above it. Once his head and shoulders were through, he rested using his arms to steady himself in the hole. Star reached out and held the bottom of his feet. “That’s it, push,” he said as he pulled himself up with his arms. He was finally high enough to set his right knee on the edge allowing him to stand on the top of the elevator.

“What do you see?” Star asked him.

“Not much, it looks like we stopped between the second and main floor. I’m going to try to open the doors. Talon easily reached for the ladder on the face of the wall that spanned the elevator shaft from top to bottom. He looked down through the narrow opening between the ladder and the elevator knowing there was no way they would fit through there. I guess the only way is up, he thought as climbed the ladder. It was a short climb up as he positioned himself parallel to the doors. Talon hooked his leg around the ladder so he wouldn’t fall aware that he wouldn’t be much help if he fell and hurt himself. With his long stance, he was able to reach the middle of the doors. His legs began to shake under the strain of holding his body at such a weird angle. These doors were much easier to open or it was his adrenaline pumping at great speeds, but with one pull he managed to slide the doors all the way open to reveal the second floor.

Star cheered from below when she saw the opening. She watched as Talon climbed back into the elevator. “Here step into my hands,” Talon said cupping his hands in front of him. Star raised a foot into his hands.” I’m going to lift you so you can grab the edge. Now!” he yelled as he lifted her into the air. Star grabbed the edge of the opening. “Now step on my shoulders,” he said trying to steady her weight. Once she had contact with both of his shoulders, he inched his way to the center of the opening. “Set your knee on the edge. You should be able to pull yourself up using the bar on the roof of the elevator. Star saw the bar and used that to pull herself up onto the roof. “Good girl,” he said.

“How are you going to get up here?” she asked not wanting to leave him behind.

Talon thought for a minute then said, “hand me the lid.” Star picked up the lid slid it through the opening and handed it to Talon. He leaned it against the wall. Stepping on the top of it gave him and extra foot and a half of reach. He quickly reached through the opening pulling himself up with his strong arms laying his upper body on the top of the elevator. Star grabbed one of his arms as he pulled himself all the way through. “It’s a lot easier from here,” he said watching Star, hoping this wasn’t too straining for her.

“Stop looking at me like that, I’m okay,” she said helping him stand up. “Honestly, it’s about time I did something else besides lying around.

Talon figured he didn’t have time to argue with her. “I’ll go first so I can help you through the doorway,” Talon said reaching out for the ladder. Star watched as Talon climbed the ladder and swung himself into the opening. He picked himself up and turned towards her, “Okay now it’s your turn.” Star had no trouble reaching the ladder. She climbed until she was parallel to him. “This is the hard part,” he said. “I need you to take a leap of faith and jump towards me.” Star nervously looked below figuring where she would land if this didn’t work. “Jump Star, now!” Star closed her eyes and pushed herself away from the ladder as far as she could. She could feel Talon grasp as he grabbed her waist with one arm tucking her into himself and they fell safely onto the floor. They laid there for a second in each others arms, glad they got out. Hearing the sound of the siren again, they realized this was only part of what they were going to experience today. Talon quickly stood up and helped Star to her feet. They rushed to the staircase and onto the overhang.

“Over there,” Star said pointing in the direction of a lot of commotion. They flew from the overhang to a safe area just outside the cave-in. They watched in horror as people were being dragged from inside and laid in rows. Their bodies covered with red soil. Others were frantically pulling rocks and dirt out with their bare hands without regard for their own safety, unearthing more people as they made their way deeper into the opening. North and Moon worked as fast as they could searching for survivors. Talon rushed to join them as Moon struggled with a large rock.

“Here, let me help,” Talon said. Between the two of them they were able to move the large rock letting it slide down to the surface. “Watch out,” Talon called out to the people below. Moon was working so hard to free the people she never noticed that Talon had brought Star with him. Talon struggled to see within the cave-in. He raised his arms and changed the darkness into light allowing everyone to see easier.

“I’m glad you’re here,” one the helpers said as Star began examining the wounded. “I had them place the worst victims over there,” she said pointing to another area. “These ones, from what I can see, only have broken bones.” Victims squirmed and moaned out in pain.

Star rushed to help the most severe first. There were three in total covered in red dirt. They laid on the flat surface without movement. Kneeling beside the first person, she checked for a pulse. It was faint, but at least they were still alive. She placed her hands on their chest allowing her energy to flow from her into their body. She couldn’t use up all her ability on just one person she would have to use it sparingly. Star stopped when she saw they were out of danger. The person’s breathing was better and their pulse rate was increased. As Star worked on the next two, the rest of the wounded were being transported to a safe area.

Day 25- Wings Unfolded


It’s day 25, with only five more days to go! I’m sure I will finish with a bang. Oh ya, I’ll even have my 50,000 words I’ve been trying to write by then. I’m close with 43,801. Remember this has not been edited. Here’s the next chapter:

Chapter 26

Star could sense the commotion and anger around her, but she didn’t want to wake up. She was playing with her parents in a field of daisies. Her parents were as youthful as the last day she saw them. Patches their pet dog ran to her with a stick in her mouth. She grabbed it from him and threw it as far as she could. Her mother’s long black hair danced in the breeze while her father’s green eyes sparkled each time he looked in Star’s direction.

Star began to choke as if she was underwater. She couldn’t breathe. What’s happening, she thought, where did my parents go, Patches where are you? She swallowed and tasted the richness of the broth wondering how that got into her mouth.

“That’s enough,” Talon demanded. “Let her rest.”

“She needs fluids or she will dehydrate,” Moon replied. “And the only way that’s going to happen is if we can get her to drink.” Moon sat the bowl down. Despite his protests, she had every intention of feeding her the broth or water every hour.

Within seconds, she had fallen back into a deep sleep only this time it wasn’t so pleasant. It reminded her of an old-time movie flipping from scene to scene. Each scene was from her past, first the accident site, then kids laughing at her, all the different foster homes and the abuse she endured, then being captured by the professor and last the cougar dragging her away. It started again repeating over and over faster and faster. Star began to shake, slowly at first then increasing in intensity.

“What’s happening?” Talon asked Moon.

“I’m not sure,” she said holding Stars hand. North held on to her feet.

Talon grabbed the other hand. “Star can you hear me?” Talon asked. “Star, it’s Talon. North and Moon are here too. We’ve been by your side since the battle. You are safe now in your own bed. Can you hear me?” he asked desperately wishing she would open her eyes and talk to them, but it never happened.

She felt as if Talon, Moon, and North were close to her. She could make out their figures and heard what they were saying, but no matter how hard she tried they couldn’t hear her answers. The shaking slowed down as she heard Talon’s voice talking to her. She concentrated on each thing he said and answered him. “Yes, I can hear you. Talon! North! Moon! Why can’t you hear me?” She felt like she was underwater and her voice wasn’t carrying to the surface. She tried desperately to reach them but couldn’t. Instead she fell asleep again, this time without dreaming.

“It seems to have stopped,” Moon said caressing Stars hand. North went back to his chair for a nap. Talon laid on the bed holding Star in his arms. Moon retreated to the kitchen to make them dinner. It would be necessary for them to eat too.

Moon brought a tray of sandwiches into Star’s room and placed them on the end of the bed. No one touched them. They sat there until the bread became hard and void of any moisture. Tired of looking at them Moon returned the tray to the kitchen.

The three of them were still wearing their bloody ripped clothing from the battle. “You can use my room to clean up if you want,” Talon said his eyes darting back and forth between Moon and North. “I’m sure you will find something to wear in my closet,” he said returning his gaze to Star.

“You can go first,” North said to Moon. She agreed and headed to his room. A shower would feel really good about now, she thought.

Day’s slowly passed with no difference in Star’s condition. Word spread fast in the colony and they continued by to drop off casseroles and baking each day. Her Grandparents and Talons parent stopped by each day hoping to find out she was awake. Everyone in the colony was worried and felt helpless because there was nothing they could do to help her. Some people from the battle were still suffering from their wounds including broken bones and infections.

Star was dreaming again or so it seemed. She was with her parents sitting in a sidewalk café. The streets were crowded like during rush hour. People rushing to and fro. Some heading to work, while others were on their way home. He mother held her hand, “You can’t stay,” she said. Tears began to streak her face.

“Why not?” she asked.

“It’s not your time. You have to go back. Talon needs you and so does your sister. The colony can’t survive without you, I always hoped you’d find them and be the healer I couldn’t be,” her mother said.

“But I want to stay here with you and daddy,” Star said.

“We’ll be here when it’s your time. Your sister can’t heal without your love. And grandchildren, I want grandchildren,” her mother said smiling at her.

Her parents faded away until she was alone in the café. Star frantically searched for them, but they were gone. She sat back down in the chair sobbing, wishing she could have gone with them. As her sobbing slowed down, she heard Talon talking to her again.

“Star, can you hear me. I need you to come back to me. Star please,” he said pleading with her.

She felt a tear from his eye softly land on her face as he leaned over her. Maybe her mother was right. There was a lot more she could do while here on earth. And Moon, well she wasn’t sure if just love would make a difference in her life or not but she was willing to give it a try. They were both emotionally wounded searching for something, maybe it was each other. Maybe she needed Moon as much as Moon needed her.

Stars eyes began to move under her eyelids. “Did you see that?” Moon said.

“What?” he replied.

“Her eyes, their moving,” Moon said finally seeing the first signs of life. North sprang from his chair and stood beside Talon.

“Star, Star, are you there?” he asked. There was no reply, no movement at all, even her eyes were still. North left to go to the washroom. Talon sat down in the chair and hung his head holding Star’s hand in his. Moon walked to the kitchen to clean up. She moved things around not really accomplishing much, but it gave her something to do. She was starting to think maybe it was her fault. If she would have reacted faster would Star be awake now. Could all of this been prevented? She always had trouble fitting in no matter what it was. Moon always felt like she was on the outside looking in no matter what she did.

Talon began to feel some movement in Star’s hand. He lifted his head watching her. Did her eyes just move again or did he imagine it. He watched as her eyelids fluttered. “Star, it’s Talon. I’m here,” he said squeezing her hand. “Open your eyes, please.” Star slowly opened her eyes. Talon was overcome with emotion. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he reached over a gave her a kiss. “You’re back, you’re finally back,” he said.

“Who are you talking to? North asked as he walked into the room.

“Star, she’s awake!” Talon said.

“Moon get in here! he yelled out. “You’re gonna want to see this.”

Moon ran into the room. She lifted Star’s hand in her’s, “Hello,” she muttered.

Star didn’t have much strength, but she managed a smile. “I’ll go heat up some broth,” Moon said laying her hand back down on the bed.

“I’m glad you’re awake I don’t think this guy’s left your side,” North said chuckling for the first time since the battle.

“None of us have. North and Moon have been here too. We were afraid to leave you alone.” He bent down and gave her another kiss.

Star opened her mouth to talk, but not much came out. Her throat was too dry. Moon arrived with a cup of broth and a straw. “Can you sit her up?” she asked.

“Sure, North get on the other side. They slowly lifted Star into sitting position. Talon took several of the pillows and strategically placed them behind her easing her back against them.

Moon placed the straw in the broth and held it to her lips. “Take a sip, Star.” Star took a small sip. The moisture of the broth soothed her dry throat. “Good girl,” Moon said.

Talon held her hand and wouldn’t let go. “North, do me a favour?”

“Sure what do you need?” he asked.

“Go tell my parents and her grandparents she’s awake. I’m sure they will be as happy as we are,” Talon said.

“On my way,” North said leaving Star’s room.

“Thank you,” Star said to Moon in a scratchy voice.

“For what?” Talon asked angrily.

“She saved my life. If it weren’t for Moon, the cougars would have dragged me away.”

“Then I guess I owe you an apology,” he said watching Moon’s reaction. Moon nodded her head as if accepting a silent apology. She figured it was time to leave them alone and headed back to the kitchen knowing that for once she did the right thing.

“You’re still here,” Star said smiling.

“I told you I wasn’t going anywhere, I can’t now,” he said.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because I’ve fallen in love with you,” he said giving her a kiss.

Day – 22 Wings Unfolded


I had a hard time writing this chapter today. This is all new territory for me, let me know what you think about it. I’m over 38,000 words and still climbing to my goal of 50,000 words in 30 days. Remember this has not been edited, not until December. Here’s the next steamy chapter:

Chapter 23

As the last scar disappeared from her body, Talon raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it sending shivers up and down Star’s arm. “What’s wrong, are you cold,” Talon asked.

“No, it’s you.” Star paused, “it’s your touch,” she said turning to face him. “It’s difficult to explain.”

Talon reached his arms around her drawing her close, knowing that he felt the same way about her. He reached down to lift her chin and as their lips touched Star felt a tidal wave of emotion flood through her body. She felt like she was on a rollercoaster skidding out of control. Talon took her hand and led her to the soft carpet in front of the fireplace. They stood there searching each others eyes. Talon raised his right hand caressing her face. Starting near her eyes, running the back of his hand slowly and deliberately along the soft curve of her cheek and under her chin.

Star wondered if she was doing the right thing or not. She knew how she felt about him, but she was still uncertain if he would stay or not. Looking deep into his eyes, she hoped she would find the answers. When she didn’t find them, Star leaned towards Talon kissing him, hoping that it would give her the answers she was looking for. Instead, it made it worst. Her stomach was in knots, her head was spinning and she felt like she was going to hurl at any moment. She thought of running to her room and locking the door, but something made her stay. She was curious and wanted to experience this with Talon and no one else.

Reaching for the back of her bra, Talon released the clasp letting it fall to the ground. Then he ran his hand along the curves of her breast. Star awkwardly pulled his t-shirt off letting it drop to the ground as they embraced. She could feel his heart pounding as their skin touched.

Talon gently laid her down on the soft carpet as the fire danced beside them. He gently kissed her neck continuing down her body to her belly button. He slowly slid her pants and lace panties off leaving them in a pile at their feet. He removed his pants and laid beside her admiring her curves as he caressed them. He wanted to touch every part of her body and explore her beauty. He kissed her feeling the passion rise within himself. When he thought he couldn’t wait any longer, he gently entered her moist body. Star let out a soft moan as she felt him deep within her loins. She could feel her heart rate rise and her breath became a short pant until she shivered with delight releasing all of her emotions at once. Talon noticed a tear falling from her cheek as he laid beside her. “What’s wrong?” he asked her.

“Nothing, nothing at all. It was just more emotions than I expected.” She was still unsure if he would stay as he held her in his arms. Hopefully, he would, she could get used to this.

“Are you hungry? he asked giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

“I’m starving,” she replied.

They reached for their clothes getting dressed in front of the fire. Talon placed a few more logs on the fire before they entered the kitchen. “How’s spaghetti sound?” he asked filling a pot with water.

“Perfect,” she replied taking some ground beef from the fridge and setting into the pan that Talon had ready for her. She added some sliced mushrooms and

Onions stirring it slightly. Talon added the pasta to the boiling water. In another pot, Star added tomatoes and several spices turning up the burner so they would boil and reduce to a sauce. The house filled with the aroma of the pasta sauce.

“Smells great,” Talon said as he stirred the pasta.

“It’s a recipe I learned from Sara,” she said remembering all the different recipes they tried some good some not so good.

“I hope you make it again sometime,” Talon said reaching over and giving her a kiss. He had never felt so happy. He had dated lots of girls in his past, but none of them compare to Star. There’s just something about her that he’s drawn to. It’s not one thing but a cumulation of several. Now that she has taken the wall down and let him in he was falling for her more than anyone else he had ever met. “I think the pasta is done,” he said.

“Throw a piece against the wall,” Star said. “I read it in a magazine once, if you throw a piece of spaghetti against the wall and it sticks then it’s done.”

Talon used the fork to pull out a piece of spaghetti and threw it against the wall watching to see it sticks. It stayed in position. “I guess it’s done then, the wall told me so,” he said laughing.

“So is the rest,” Star said. She drained the ground beef and added the mixture to the sauce.

Star set the table while Talon put the spaghetti and sauce on plates. She added a loaf of bread and butter to the table while Talon opened a bottle of wine.

They were just about to start when the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Talon said rising quickly from the table. He figured it would be quicker if he took the staircase. When he was halfway down, he sat on the railing and slid to the bottom almost falling when his feet hit the ground. Talon opened the door and saw his friend North.

“Hi,” North said. “I thought you guys could use some company,” he said stepping inside.

“Not now,” Talon said pushing his friend back out the door.

“What smells so good?” North asked.

“None of your business,” Talon said. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said pushing him back through the door.

“Hang on a sec, what’s going on?” North asked.

“None of your business, goodbye,” Talon said closing the door. He quickly climbed the stairs two at a time and sat down with Star.

“Who was it?” Star asked.

“Oh just my dad, he was checking up on us.”

“You should have invited him in,” Star said cutting a piece of slice of bread.

“I did, he said he couldn’t stay. We can go see them tomorrow,” he said stuffing a large forkful of spaghetti in his mouth. “This is excellent,” Talon said.

“Thank you,” Star said smiling. “I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. Maybe we can invite guests for dinner and I can show them off.”

“Absolutely, once the colony finds out what a good cook you are, people will be lined up at the door,” he said sipping his wine.

“I can’t eat anymore,” Star said.

“I’m full too,” Talon said getting from the table. “I’ll clean up in here if you want to turn on the stereo and find some music.”

Star loved music and if it meant she could dance with Talon again, then she was all for it. Star turned on the stereo and decided the station it was on was perfect. When Talon was done loading the dishwasher, he joined her in the living room. With an outstretched hand, Talon asked her, “would you like to dance?” She smiled putting her hand on his. “But this time, on your own feet,” he said smiling back at her.

Hello by Lionel Ritchie was playing. He pulled her body tight to hers and led her around the open area of the living room. “Not bad,” he said looking down at her.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” Star said as she stepped on his foot.

“It’s okay, just relax and let the music guide you. They danced for almost an hour. “I think I’m going to call it a night,” Talon said. The fire had already gone out in the fireplace.

“Me too,” Star said as they turned out the lights and headed to the third floor. “I guess it was all that fresh air today. It wipes you out.” Talon agreed. This time, after they left the elevator, Star slipped her hand into Talons. Not wanting to spend the night alone she led him down the hall to her room and closing the door behind them.

Day 21 – Wings Unfolded


Hi, sorry for posting late, but here’s day 21 finally. Hopefully, I can post the next chapter later today. My word count is still climbing, I’m up to 36,992 now. Here is Chapter 22 enjoy:

Chapter 22

“Good morning sleepy head,” Talon said as he watched Star’s eyes open.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I must have fallen asleep,” Star said sitting up straight.

“Don’t be, I enjoyed it.”

“Enjoyed what?” Star asked still a little groggy from the wine. She looked down at Talon still wrapped in a sheet. “We didn’t…” she said with a look of terror on her face.

Talon waved his arms as if calling for a time out. “No we didn’t do that,” Talon said, but the thought did cross his mind. “I enjoyed you sleeping with me and tearing down that wall you’ve built.”

Star recalled telling him about her past last night as they heard the door bell ring. Not wanting anyone to find her in bed with Talon, Star quickly went to her room to change. They both came out of their rooms at the same time, Talon was still pulling on a t-shirt over his head. She couldn’t  help but admire his physique as he pulled down the shirt. Concentrate she told herself as they reached the elevator.

Talon reached the front door first. They were surprised to see a couple standing there holding their young child.

“I hope it’s not too early,” the man said. “It’s my boy, he fell this morning and he’s barely breathing.

Star reached out and touched the boy’s arm, she could see his chest rise slightly higher. She then placed both hands on his chest over his lungs.

The small boy’s chest rose even higher. “Who are you?” he asked as his eyes opened.

With a big smile on her face she said, “I’m Star, and who are you?”

“I’m Helm,” he said proudly lifting his head, wondering why his father was carrying him. His father lowered him to the ground and held his hand.

“Thank you,” Helm’s parents said each giving Star a hug before they left. Star watched as the family flew off.

“I bet that feels satisfying being able to help like that,” Talon said heading back inside.

“It does, it’s hard to explain the emotions I feel when I touch them. It’s as if I can see into their soul,” she said following him back inside.

‘I forgot to ask you,” Talon said as the door closed in the elevator. “There is a group of us going exploring today. Would you like to come?”

“Hell yes, I need to get out of here and fly, I feel like I’ve been cooped up for weeks.

“You might want to put on hiking boots in case we come across some snakes,” Talon said as they reached the third floor.

I hope not, Star thought as she entered her room. She quickly changed her clothes brushed her teeth putting her hair into a ponytail. Star stopped outside Talon’s open door, he left the bathroom door open allowing her to see him at the sink. Like father like son, she thought. I guess there are worse things than leaving a door open. She looked towards his unmade bed remembering how she felt in his arms. It was as if everything bad her life seemed so trivial when he was close.

“All set?” he asked as he left the bathroom.

“Yes,” she replied trying to keep up with him in the hallway. “Where are we meeting them?” Star asked.

“On top of the mesa,” he said as the elevator door closed.

Star was excited, she had never traveled anywhere before she met Talon. Toronto was the only place she knew and only a small part of it. This will be fun, she thought as they flew to the entrance of the cave. The entrance was hidden just like the one in Toronto. The sides of the mesa were not scalable by humans unless they used rigging.

They had circled several times before they landed beside a group of people. North called out, “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”

“We had some business to take care of first,” Talon said joining the group.

North winked at him. “Not that kind of business,” Talon said in a low voice, “knock it off.”

“We thought we would go southeast and check out some of the caverns there. Any objections?” an attractive male said brushing his long hair out of his eyes.

“Do you have an idea where you want to land,” Talon asked.

“Yes,” he replied.

“Then you should be the leader Kev,” Talon said.

There were about 20 people in the group, all similar in age. They took off from the mesa forming the familiar v-shape. Star looked down on the mountain range below, noticing they formed different shapes. It was similar to picking out shapes in the clouds only this time on the ground. After flying for about ten minutes, they lowered in altitude, landing on the level ground.

“This area is rich in natural stone arches and caverns,” Kev said. “We can explore in groups or split up, whatever you like.” He looked at his watch. “Let’s meet back here in an hour and decide what we want to do next.

Everyone split up into small groups Talon, Star, and North decided to go their own way. “Let’s check this one out,” North said pointing to an opening in the face of the mountain. It looked to be about forty feet off the ground and could easily be accessed by flying into it.

“Sounds good,” Talon said. They unfolded their wings and rose to the opening landing inside one at a time. They could only see about twenty feet inside from the light of the opening. “Did you bring a flashlight,” Talon asked North.”

“No,” I was hoping you did.

“I brought something better,” Talon said as he raised his arms and the darkness faded to light inside the cave.

“You’re handy to have around sometimes,” North said.

“Sometimes!” Talon said with a stern look that he couldn’t hold very long before bursting out into laughter. They walked further into the cave with North leading the way. Star stayed close to Talon never veering far from his side. The cave veered right and then left declining in height as they walked. Star shivered as they walked.

“Is it getting colder in her or is it just me,” she asked.  Star had never seen anything like this before. The walls glistened an effervescent color of blue-green. Reaching out with her hand she touched the wall feeling the ice-covered walls.

“Cool isn’t it,” North laughed, “pardon the pun.”

“There are only a few caves like this. They say they’ve been accumulating ice for over 3,000 years. It forms a natural ice box that never rises above 31 degrees,” Talon said.

Star rubbed her hands together trying desperately to heat them up. “I’m freezing,” she declared.

“We can go if you want,” Talon said turning around.

“It’s pretty but I’m not dressed for it,” Star said sliding her arm into Talons.

When they were close to the entrance Talon raised his arms and the cave returned to darkness. “We’ll take you to the slot canyons sometime. They are amazing to see too,” Talon said wanting to share with her all the beauty of the four corners. “Let’s fly around a bit, that will warm you up,” Talon suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” North said shivering from the cold. The three friends took off from the edge of the cave weaving and dodging in the sky. Star followed Talon as he glided beneath a stone arch. “Tag, you’re it,” North said as he tapped the end of Talon’s wing tip with his.

They continued their game of tag until they noticed the group gathering at the meeting point. Slowly they circled the group gliding towards the ground until the landed beside them. “Did that warm you up?” Talon asked.

“Yes it did, thanks,” Star said.

Kev announced that they were headed to another area. “How be we head home to warm up,” Talon suggested. “We can join them another time.”

“Sounds good to me,” Star said.

“I think I’ll stay,” North said. “See you later.”

“We’re going to head home,” Talon announced to the group. “Have fun.” Star followed Talon back home still unfamiliar with the landscape.

“How about a cup of hot chocolate to warm you up?” he asked as they landed on the overhang of their home.

“That sounds perfect,” Star said.

They walked through the main area to the elevator. When the door opened on the second floor, Talon asked, “would you like a fire?”

“Yes, please,” Star said. She handed Talon some kindling from beside the fireplace. He crumpled a piece of paper then lit it with a long match that he threw into the fireplace. They watched as the kindling caught on fire. He placed a few small pieces of wood in a tepee shape above the kindling.

“I’ll be right back,” Talon went to the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with two steaming cups of hot cocoa. He sat them on the coffee table and sat beside Star on the couch. They watched the fire mesmerized by the dancing flames.

Curious Talon asked, “have you ever tried to heal yourself.”

“No, I didn’t know I had the ability until a couple of weeks ago,” Star said.

“Take your top off,” Talon said.

“You’re kidding right?” Star said with a worried look on her face.

“No, I’m not. You have a bra on, right?”


“What’s the difference between that and a bikini?” he asked.

“Nothing, I guess. I’ve never thought about it before.” Star slowly removed her top embarrassed by the scars on her body.

They stood up, Talon was shocked by what he saw and wondered how anyone could do that to a child. He reached out for her hand holding it in his. Slowly he pressed it against one of the scars on her chest. He smiled as he watched the scar disappear.

Star was watching his eyes waiting for a reaction.  When she saw his smile she knew, it was working. She felt as if everything that happened to her was being erased as each scar disappeared. He moved her hand to another. Once all the scars were gone from the front of her body he stood behind her. That’s where the deepest ones were. He bent her arm back so she could reach them. With tears welling in his eyes, he touched the largest scar with her hand. Star flinched when she felt her hand touch it. It was raised and approximately three inches in length. The scar faded eventually disappearing with her touch.

Day 20 – Wings Unfolded


It took me awhile to finish today, I think I’m slowing down. Don’t forget the golden rule of NaNoWriMo, there is no editing until December.  The story’s starting to heat up a little between Star and Talon. Here’s the next chapter:

Chapter 21

Talon grabbed a bottle of wine and two clean glasses as they passed through the kitchen on the way to the elevator. “Hang on,” Star said as she opened the door on one on the three refrigerators. She grabbed a tray of hors d’oeuvres and a bowl of grapes, “I didn’t get a chance to eat much tonight.”

“Or drink,” Talons said. “Is one bottle enough?”

“We can always come back for more,” she said giggling.

“True,” he said following her into the elevator. They got off the elevator on the second floor. Talon sat the wine and glasses down on the kitchen counter-top. As he removed his jacket, bow tie and undid his shirt, Talon’s gaze never left Star. He was mesmerized by her the way her hips swung when she walked, the curves of her body and the way she made him laugh. He watched as she sat the tray on the coffee table.

“Are you okay?” she asked when she glanced his way.

“Ya, why?” he said.

“You just seemed a million miles away, that’s all.”

Not wanting to tell her what he was really thinking, Talon said, “probably, I was just trying to figure out how to deal with Moon.”

“Let’s forget about her and not let her ruin the rest of our evening,” Star said.

“Good idea,” Talon said opening the bottle of wine. He handed Star a glass of wine and took a sip from his glass.

“Tell me more about your childhood,” Talon asked full of curiosity. He often wondered about the differences in their lives.

Star sat close to him on the couch. “There’s really not much to tell,” she said. She wasn’t sure if she could trust him yet with the details of her childhood. It was something she always tried to forget about. Trying to change the subject she asked, “how did you and North become friends?”

There’s that wall again, he thought. “It’s a funny story actually,” Talon began. “We never liked each other growing up. One day I was playing the woods outside the cave in Ontario. I had just discovered the joy of climbing a tree. After reaching the top of one of the tallest trees, I began my descent. Before I reached the bottom, my foot slipped and I fell catching my belt on a broken branch. I guess it was lucky for me it was there. I hung there for hours waiting for somebody to come by. Finally along came North and his friend. I asked them to help me, but all they could do was roll on the ground with laughter. Finally, North hoisted his friend into the tree so he cut me down. I was finally free, but I ended up falling on top of North.” Star laughed picturing them in her mind. “I knocked the wind out of him and I think I bruised his ego. When he finally got his air back, he came after me. He chased me all around the trees until finally we both ran out of steam. We gave up and called a truce. We’ve been best friends ever since.”

“So that’s why you always carry a pocket knife with you,” Star said.

“Aw, yes, you’re very observant. You never know when you will need to cut someone down from a tree,” he said laughing.

He stood up and walked over to the stereo. “How about some music?” he asked.

“That would be awesome,” she said filling their glasses with more wine.

He turned the dial until he heard Chris DeBurgh’s, Lady in Red.

“I love this song,” Star said reaching for a couple of grapes.

“May I,” Talon said reaching out his hand to Star. She rose and took his hand. He put his other hand around her waist and held her tight. Stepping forward with his right foot he stepped on her. “Sorry,” he said.

“That’s my fault, I’ve never danced a slow song before,” she said looking down at her feet.

“Okay, step on top of my feet,” Talon said and began to sway to the music gliding around the living room. He could feel her curves against him as he pulled her in even closer. The song finished and they stopped dancing, but he never released his grasp around her waist. He studies her face, her eyes, her nose then her lips. He kissed her with all the passion he had. She never objected she kissed back never knowing what it was like to kiss another person. When he pulled away, they were both breathless. Their hearts pounding, Star pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” Talon asked.

“Did you feel that?” she said.

“What?” he asked.

“I think the earth moved,” she said with a scared look on her face, her eyes darting around the room.

“I think it did for me too,” he said smiling at her.

“No, honestly. Did the house just move?” she asked.

“I don’t think so,” Talon said.

“It’s been a long day for me, I think I’m going to bed,” Star said taking her last sip of wine. She quickly headed for the stairs leaving Talon alone in the living room. She had to get out of there in a hurry before she did something she might regret in the morning. His eyes have a way of drawing me in, she thought as she reached the top of the stairs. I’m sure once we make love he won’t want anything to do with me. I’ve seen it a million times at The Rex. Once the girls would go home with someone who was flirting with them you never saw them together again. I don’t want that to happen with Talon, I need him in my life, he makes everything make sense.

Star took off her gown and crawled into bed still thinking about the kiss and the emotions inside her that were about to boil over. She tossed and turned most of the night worrying about what they did. It was 3 a.m. and she couldn’t take it any longer. She got up and banged on Talon’s door. He never answered so she opened it and barged in. “Look I think we need to talk,” she blurted out.

“Wow, hand on a sec,” he said throwing a sheet over his naked body. “What’s up?”

“You, I can’t get you out of my head. The kiss…,” she said lowering her voice. “I don’t want to do anything to lose you. Nothing made sense in my life until I met you,” Star said as a tear fell down her cheek. “I lived through hell before I met you.”

“Hang on a sec,” he said. “What makes you think you’re going to lose me?” he asked. Talon wrapping the sheet around him and sat on the edge of the bed beside her.

“I saw it all the time in the bar, once a guy takes a girl home, he doesn’t want anything to do with her. And I…,” she said hanging her head. “I’m not whole, I don’t know if I ever will be again,” she said.

“Let me in,” Talon pleaded. “I know you have this wall you’ve built to protect yourself and I’ve told you before, I’ll never hurt you. You have to believe me. Tell me what’s bothering you? And by the way, just so you know, I’m not leaving,” he said. “Come here.” Talon pushed himself back against the headboard to support his sitting position. Star walked around the bed and sat beside him.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that I have trust issues.”

Talon decided that what she needed now was someone to listen to what she had to say. He didn’t speak, he just listened. He reached over holding her trembling hand as she spoke.

“After my parents died they put me into foster care. I was always being moved from family to family. I tried to fit in, but they never loved me, not like my parents did. Most of the time their own children made fun of me for wearing their hand-me-downs or if they caught me with my wings peeking out. Some families beat me because everything that happened was always my fault. One family would smoke pot then butt their cigarettes on me. The last family I was with take the cake, though. It reminded me of the story of Cinderella, but there was no fairy to change a pumpkin into a coach and no Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet. I was looked in my room and only allowed to leave to cook, clean, or go to school. One time they went on vacation and left me locked in my room for a week. On rare occasions, I was allowed to eat with them. One night I hid my knife under my top. After they had gone to bed, I used the knife to remove the screws from the hinges and ran away. I lived on the streets until I met Sarah and got a job at The Rex. You know about the rest.”

Talon reached his arm over her shoulder and held her. Star fell asleep knowing she was safe in his arms.